If approved by the Court, you may attend hearings virtually by clicking the attend court online button below. Please be sure to enter your full name when joining court, so that the court can identify you. You will then be admitted to the meeting when the Court is ready to take up your matter. You may be placed into a virtual waiting room until that time, please be patient and observe the following additional instructions:

  1. You must sign in on time and remain on video court until your case has been called and completed.

  2. Proper court attire is required.

  3. You must have a working camera and microphone to participate in video court. Make sure that your device is plugged in or fully charged.

  4. Make sure that you have a strong, stable internet connection. If you need better WiFi, the Parish Library may offer free WiFi.

  5. There should be no offensive or distracting backgrounds visible. Virtual backgrounds are not permitted. It is recommended that you sit or stand in front of a blank wall for your court appearance.

  6. You may not record or take screen shots of any court proceeding. Doing so SHALL be considered contempt of court.